In 1992, Lou Mancuso "The Landing Doctor" authored the booklet "Personal Limitations Checklist: Expert Decision Making... Think Like a Pro." It is a collection of true aviation stories and the lessons learned from them. In 2018, Lou founded Sebring Flight Academy with the goal of incorporating these lessons into the flight training environment to make the next generation of safe pilots in both the professional and general aviation worlds. To this end, we follow his Landing Doctor Code as our safety mantra.
Developed over thousands of hours of flying, instruction, and with decades of refinement, the Landing Doctor Code was created with one goal in mind: to create a safer pilot. The time-tested procedures and principles presented within this Code are designed to supplement any pilot’s training, for a pilot that stops learning can never grow. We firmly believe that any pilot, from the green to the 10,000-hour Captain, can always improve and refine their skills. We all strive for a safer industry, and The Landing Doctor Code is just one tool to help achieve that lofty goal. It is more than a Code, it is a way of thinking, a technique of flying, and a guide to every pilot.
Hear what student Julian Johnson has to say about his “Landing Doctor” training.
The Landing Doctor program and its focus on Ground Proximity Awareness are transformative. During my journey to my PPL, I have worked with a dozen CFI’s who almost without exception answered “it’ll just click” when asked about their approach to teaching landings. While practicing something countless times will inevitably lead to some degree of proficiency, it doesn’t necessarily lead to consistency in quality. By contrast, the Landing Doctor program directly addresses the greatest landing challenge facing new pilots, namely, gauging how far above the runway the aircraft is after crossing the threshold. The result is that within a few sessions of Ground Proximity Awareness training, the quality of my landings was immensely improved and, as importantly, consistent. If “butter” landings are your goal, the Landing Doctor program will get you there.
Julian Johnson